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Yosafire Notice
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Froze Notice 1

This is the transcript page for The Gray Garden.




Speaker Dialogue
N/A There was a certain world.
N/A It had two groups, who brought destruction unto each other...
N/A Why did they destroy? ...Why... did they kill?
N/A The reason must have been lost to time...
N/A Though... No doubt the reason doesn't matter.
N/A Through long conflict, and destruction... Their battle continued as if eternally.
N/A ..........
N/A At the end of the war... They made peace. They chose to co-exist...
N/A Together, they would establish peace.
N/A Some may think it was folly.
N/A Some may think it was for the best.
N/A ..........
N/A A long era of peace reigned.
N/A And so did pass a long, long...
N/A ...long period of time.

Title The Gray Garden

Yosafire Hmm, what flowers'll it be today?
Yosafire These ones are cute, too!

Yosafire Oh! Late with the introduction, huh?
Yosafire I'm Yosafire! Just a demon fuuull of energy!
Yosafire Oh, and I love to play in the garden!

Yosafire Ahh... Good weather today!
Yosafire Hmhmhmm... ♪
Yosafire Doot doo...
Yosafire Well, I guess I should get going.
Yosafire Hup!

Yosafire Oh hey, Froze!
Froze ...Oh.
Yosafire Here's Froze!
Yosafire She's kinda quick to anger, and can be sort of difficult...
Yosafire But she's a really nice angel, and my best friend ever!
Froze I thought you'd be here... I was looking for you, Yosaf.
Yosafire Oho?
Froze Dialo baked apple pie and asked me to come get you.
Yosafire Ooh, it's done already?! Alright! Let's go go go!
Froze Groan...

Yosafire Uh.

Froze Ah.

Yosafire Waaah! It huuurts! Why is there even a hole here?!
Froze ...
Yosafire I'm bleediiing! Waaahhh!!
Froze ...
Yosafire Fuh-roooooze!!
Froze Quiet! You blubbering klutz...! I'll just heal you up, all right? Just get out of there!
Yosafire Wahhh... I can't, though...! I can't fly!
Froze ...
Froze ...Groan.

Dialo ...
Dialo I wonder if I made a little much.
Chelan ...
Dialo True... Yosafire is a big eater. It'll probably be fine.
Yosafire We're here!
Dialo The pie's already done.
Yosafire Woohoo! I love your apple pies, Dialo!
Dialo ...? What's with the wounds?
Yosafire Oh, uh...
Froze She fell in a hole.
Yosafire Yeah, that! Froze had to patch me up.
Froze ...
Dialo One wonders if your clumsiness could ever be cured...
Froze She'll die first.
Yosafire Nah, I'll get better about it! Probably!
Dialo Ah, well... Dig in, everyone.
Yosafire Yaaay!

Yosafire Iiit's Dialo!
Yosafire She's really good at cooking! And, um, kinda mysterious?! She lives with Chelan!

Yosafire And Chelan!
Yosafire She's really quiet! Which is to say I've never seen her talk! She lives with Dialo!

N/A Munch, munch, munch...
Yosafire Delish!
Froze Where do you even get such an appetite...
Yosafire Oh, it's nothin', really...
Froze That wasn't a compliment.
Yosafire Nwha?
Chelan ...♪
Dialo You seem to be a bit chubbier these days, Yosaf...
Yosafire ?! No way!!
Chelan ...
Froze Well... Now that you mention it.
Yosafire Duh-duuuuun! Yikes! I gotta exercise!
Yosafire But I'll still eat!
Froze ...Really.

Yosafire And thus! And so! This is a happy story of angels and demons living in harmony!
Froze Who are you talking to?
Yosafire Just forget about it! ♪

Speaker Dialogue
Froze ...
Yosafire Hm? What's up, Froze?
Froze Mm... w-well. It seems I've lost my pocketwatch.
Yosafire Ehh?! Where?!

Froze Hmm... It was already gone while we were eating the pie at Dialo's, so... It should be near the forest...?
Yosafire Mm! Let's look together! C'mon!
Froze Sorry...

Yosafire Oh, Mr. Bee!
Mr. Bee Bzz!
Yosafire Hmm...?
Mr. Bee Bzzt!
Yosafire Whoa! Froze! Your watch is under Mr. Bee!
Froze Ah... So it is.
Mr. Bee Bzz!
Yosafire Mr. Bee... Could you just move away for a sec?
Mr. Bee ...
Yosafire ...
Mr. Bee BZZT!!
Yosafire ...

Froze ...
Yosafire Glad we found it!
Froze Yes... Thanks.
Yosafire Don't mention it! ♪

??? ...

N/A A few days later...
Yosafire And so we're here at Dialo's to eat apple pie again!
Froze You're going to get so fat. Seriously.
Yosafire More like you will, Froze!
Froze I actually exercise regularly.
Yosafire .....I, uh, don'tbutanyway.
Dialo Hmm... That's not good.
Yosafire Mm? Whatzit, Dialo?
Dialo Taking your appetite into account, I'm a little short on apples.
Yosafire Say what?!
Dialo It'll have to be a very small apple pie having this few...
Yosafire !!!
Froze W...What are you looking at me for? It's not like I'M going to be stealing YOUR portion.
Yosafire Grrr!
Dialo Hmm, what to do...
Yosafire I'll get some from apple park!!!
Froze Will you.
Yosafire Yep! Let's go, Froze!
Froze Why do I have to come?
Yosafire It'll be some good exercise!
Froze I told you, I already do...!
Dialo Then I'm counting on you two.
Yosafire Jus' leave it to us!!!!
Froze ...

Yosafire I got the apples!
Froze That... is a disgusting amount of apples.
Yosafire Right then! Let's get back to Dialo's...
??? ...hyyyyy?!
Yosafire ?
??? Waaah!
Yosafire ! Hey, is that...
Froze ...

Macarona Please! I don't want to I gather any more caterpillars!
Rawberry Nuh-uh, we're going until the cage is full! ♪
Macarona Nooooo...!
Yosafire Macarona, Rawberry! Whatcha up to?
Macarona Oh! Yosafire and Froze!
Rawberry Oh, we're catchin' caterpillars. ♪
Yosafire Caterpillars?
Froze ...
Macarona Y-Yes... caterpillars...

Yosafire Hey, Macarona! She's real timid! Face turns red just like that! But she's a good grappler!

Yosafire Rawberry! This girl loves to eat! Especially bugs and meat, so it's always weird stuff...

Macarona R-Really, we have so many... Isn't this enough?!
Macarona I-It's already just too disgusting to bear!
Rawberry How? They taste so good! ♪
Macarona Yes, well, I don't eat bugs...
Yosafire Oh, you making caterpillar tempura again or what?
Rawberry Mmm, I'm thinking jam this time! ♪
Yosafire Huh? To spread on what?
Rawberry Bread! ♪
Froze Ick...
Yosafire Barfffff.
Macarona That's repulsive...
Rawberry Nooope, it's tasty! You'd know if you tried it! ♪
Macarona I-I-I-I'm quite fine, thanks!!!
Yosafire Um, is it really that good?
Rawberry Natch and rally. ♪
Froze Ahem...
Rawberry So, I think I'll need about 20 more caterpillars.
Yosafire Well... I'll help! Froze will too!
Froze Why do I....
Rawberry Really? Thanks! ♪ We'll get ten, so you get the rest! ♪ Just tell me when you've got your ten! ♪
Yosafire Okay!
Froze Sigh...
Macarona Sigh...

Yosafire Rawberry! We got ten!
Rawberry Yay! Thanks! ♪ We've got ours too.

Macarona Eeeek... So much wriggling...!
Yosafire Whoa, dang...
Froze ...
Rawberry Teehee! That'll do! I'll take these home and have sis help me smush 'em. ♪ Thanks everybody! The jam's gonna be great! ♪
Macarona .....
Macarona ...............
Macarona ...?! She left me behind?! After she invited me?! Weeehhh!
Yosafire ...
Yosafire Ah, that's nice. Wish I could fly too.
Froze Then why not fly...? You have wings.
Yosafire ...No way. It's scary.
Froze ...
Yosafire Pluuus, if I can't fly, I can get you to carry me...
Froze Don't depend on me!!
Yosafire Pff, and why not!"
Froze ...
Froze Well... For now... We should go back to Dialo's, since we got the apples...
Yosafire Okie-doke!

Dialo Oh, you're back... With a disgustingly large amount of apples, I see.
Yosafire We did our best!!
Dialo And well done. You're a bit late though. Did something happen?
Yosafire We found Macarona and Rawberry, and helped them collect caterpillars!
Dialo Hm. Would you invite them over? I can make quite a lot with all these apples.
Yosafire Oh! Good point! I'll get them!! They should both be home...

Macarona Oh, apple pie...? Are you sure? Ehe... Well, if you insist...

Rawberry Yesss, who is it?
Yosafire Rawberry! Wanna eat apple pie with us at Dialo's place?
Rawberry Ooh, really? I'll go to that! ♪ Oh, and don't come inside! ♪
Yosafire Yeah, I know! You're mashing up bugs or something, I'll bet!
Rawberry Maaaybe... ♪

Dialo Ah yes, everyone's here... Hold on while I make the pie. Chelan, help me out.
Dialo .....
Dialo Hmm!

Dialo .....Whew.
Yosafire Very forceful cooking style as usual, Dialo...
Dialo You think so?

Macarona Um... May I really...?
Dialo Certainly. Eat it all up.
Macarona ...Thank you very much.
Rawberry Tasty! ♪
Yosafire Sweeeeet!!
Macarona Delicious...!
Froze Mm.
Dialo I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Yosafire Man... Wouldn't want this to ever change.
Macarona Indeed...
Yosafire Aaah...
Macarona Ahh...
Dialo (It's just apple pie, people...)
Rawberry You look happy, Froze. ♪
Froze Wh...? N-Nothing like that.
Yosafire Aw, Froze is all shy! D'awwww!
Froze Stop it!
Macarona Heehee... ♪
Dialo ...It's gotten rather noisy, hasn't it, Chelan.
Chelan ♪♪
Froze By the way, can I have some worms to go with this?
Macarona ?!
Dialo No, I don't have any of that...
Yosafire Whew, I'm stuffed!! Super good meal!
Froze C... Can't eat any more...
Macarona Neither can I...
Rawberry (Could go for a worm dessert...)
Dialo Oh? Well, that's troubling.
Yosafire Eeh?
Dialo There's still lots of pie...
Yosafire EEEEEH?!
Dialo You did bring me an absurd number of apples, so I went and made plenty of pie as well.
Yosafire Guess I did, huh...
Froze I told you only five!
Yosafire Sorry! ♪
Macarona Oh my...
Rawberry zzzzzzzz...
Chelan ..........
Chelan ..........
Dialo Yes, it may be quickest to share this with others.
Yosafire Then what if we take it to Blancblack Castle?
Dialo Ah, that sounds good.
Dialo Ah, that sounds good.
Yosafire You betcha! Let's go, Froze!
Froze Me again?
Yosafire Work off those po -
Froze I keep telling you!!
Macarona You two are always so friendly...
Yosafire Well yeah, Froze and I are friends sworn in love!
Macarona I-I see...
Froze Think before you speak, moron!!
Rawberry Aren't me and Macarona friends sworn in love, too?
Macarona ?!
Dialo Yes, yes. Please deliver the apple pie, Yosafire.
Yosafire Roger roger!
Froze ...

Etihw ...
Kcalb ...
Etihw Sky sure is pretty.
Kcalb ...
Etihw ...
Kcalb .....
Etihw It's your turn, y'know.
Kcalb .....
Etihw *smirk*
Kcalb Ggh...
Etihw Boy... Are you ever bad at Othello.
Etihw It's no fun when I just keep winning.
Kcalb Are you cheating somehow?
Etihw Don't make excuses for how much you suck.
Kcalb What?!
Etihw It's just the truth.
Kcalb Grr...

Wodahs It's not good to cheat, brother.
Kcalb Wrong! It's not me, it's...
Wodahs Brother... It worries me to see things revert to the way they were.
Kcalb Idiot, it's just Othello...
Etihw Eh? Weren't you all pouty when I trounced you in cards earlier?
Kcalb I did not pout!

Kcalb ?
Etihw C'mon in!
Yosafire Heeello!
Etihw Good day!
Yosafire Hey Etihw, hey old man, hey Wodahs! You doin' good?
Etihw I'm great!
Wodahs I'm all right.
Kcalb Old man, excuse me?
Etihw You don't come by often. What do you need?
Yosafire We brought apple pie!
Etihw Apple pie?
Froze Dialo made altogether too much...
Etihw Ooh, really? Thanks! Isn't that great, Kcalb? You love sweet things, don't you?
Kcalb Not particularly...
Yosafire Whoaaa, really?!
Etihw Yes, especially when I ate his pudding earlier!
Kcalb Don't talk about that!

Yosafire This person is Etihw! The God who made our world! They're really nice! And cute, too!

Yosafire And Mr. Kcalb! He's a Devil! Um, I guess! He gets mad when I call him old man!

Yosafire Lastly, Mr. Wodahs! He's Mr. Kcalb's younger brother! Head angel, but always spacing out!

Wodahs Well then. I shall divide it up.
Etihw Thanks!
Etihw You kids should eat with us while you're here!
Froze No, we're all very full already...
Etihw Aw, that's too bad.
Yosafire Yeah! So we came here to work off those pounds, too!
Etihw Very admirable. Not like Kcalb who just sits there all day.
Kcalb Y-You're the last person I want to hear that from!
Etihw Mmhm?
Kcalb Don't mmhm me!
Yosafire ...Gosh, you guys are friendly! Almost like me and Froze!
Froze Aah?
Kcalb N-No no...
Etihw You're making me blush.
Kcalb Hey!

Etihw Ah, now that's tasty.
Kcalb ......
Etihw Hm?
Kcalb ......
Etihw Boy, you're so difficult. I know you love sweet things.
Kcalb Don't know what you're talking about.
Etihw Thought you loved chocolate...
Kcalb N-No clue.
Etihw Oh? But I've seen you sneaking chocolatey snacks while everyone's asleep...
Kcalb ?! H-How did you...?!
Etihw Yeesh, Kcalb. I'm God, y'know? I should at least know that stuff.
Kcalb ......
Kcalb ...Hmph! As if you haven't been awfully idle as of late...
Etihw Well, yeah. That's peace for you.
Kcalb ......
Etihw Peace is something to be feared. It really dulls you.
Kcalb ......
Etihw ......
Kcalb ......
Etihw Hey, what's with that look? Something on your mind?
Kcalb ......

Kcalb I don't care.
Etihw About what?
Kcalb I don't care if someone comes to attack.
Etihw Hoo boy. Are you, king of demons, saying there's someone else?
Kcalb .....A-At any rate... There's more than just those from our world, you know?
Etihw ...Ah, so they're otherworldly?
Kcalb ......
Etihw Please, it's fine. My stones alone make a perfect defense.
Kcalb ......
Etihw Well, but if they get destroyed, who can say.
Kcalb Ahem!
Etihw And some of them are rather decrepit.
Kcalb AHEM.
Etihw Yeesh, are you that scared? Can't sleep without a nightlight? ...Or without me, maybe?
Kcalb No! Ugh, idiot!
Etihw Relax. No matter what happens, I'll protect you.
Kcalb I... take offense to that.
Etihw Why?
Kcalb ......
Etihw Is it because I -
Kcalb Enough already!

Yosafire Hm? Froze, what's up?
Froze ......
Froze .....I was just thinking.
Yosafire About dumplings??
Froze ...Dumplings.
Froze ......

Froze The sky looks so nice...
Yosafire You're right about that!
Froze ......
Froze Should we go back to Dialo's?
Yosafire Sure!
Yosafire I could go for dumplings!
Froze ...That explains that.

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
Speaker Dialogue
DJ Met Heeey, hi there! Morning! Good day! Good evening!
DJ Met Time for Underworld Broadcasting Bloody Radio with your ghost host, DJ Met! Today's guest is - tadah! Miss Yosafire! Wooooo! *clap clap clap*
Yosafire YEAH!!!! .....Hm?! Who?!
DJ Met Just a passin' DJ! ♪
Yosafire Oh, huh! Okay, Ms. Passin' DJ!

DJ Met Now, how was The Gray Garden? Yosafire, your thoughts!
Yosafire Eh?! What thoughts?! Can't really think of much...
DJ Met Whaaa?! Nothin' at all?!
Yosafire Nope!!!
DJ Met NOTHIN'?! We're broadcasting live, y'know! Say somethin', please!
Yosafire Ehhh...? Well... Froze! I love yooou!!
DJ Met That's not news!!
Yosafire Bwahahahaha!
DJ Met Ugh! God!

DJ Met ...Ahem! Well then, we'll be taking your questions now!
DJ Met Our first question is...! From Wharf Roach of Shijimi Village! Yosafire, please tell us what type of man you like! .....Whew!
Yosafire Huh...? Type of man...? Yeah, but I don't have any interests besides Froze.
DJ Met Clearly!!
Yosafire But there is a type I hate! Flamey demons wearing shades. Die! I'll kick you in the nuts!
Yosafire Hehehe...
DJ Met You're lovey-dovey with Froze, eh?
Yosafire Course! We're friends sworn in love, so...!
DJ Met Boy, I'm jealous! Though I have someone myself... She's always punching me and stomping on me and pulling out my organs... And cracking my skull and drowning me in the sea and using me as a sandbag... AND she never acknowledges my feelings! I've got a ways to go!!
Yosafire H-Hold on, what kinda person have you fallen for here??

DJ Met Alright! Next question! From Whale Killer! Yosafire, what's your favorite food? That's it! Yosafire, whaddya like?
Yosafire Smelt.
DJ Met Hold on, you never once said that during the game!
Yosafire No I didn't!!
DJ Met You should've!!!
Yosafire No!!!!

DJ Met ...Ahem! Now, next question go! From Barfie! Why is your name Yosafire, Yosafire?
DJ Met ..........
Yosafire ..........
DJ Met ..........
Yosafire ..........
DJ Met Yoga Fi-
Yosafire No!!! Not it!!!!
DJ Met Then what is it?!
Hasunoha It came to me in a dream.
Yosafire Master Hasunoha!!
DJ Met So it seems!!
Yosafire Yeah, that's it!

DJ Met So, next question! From Hemorrhoidio! Tell us how your romance with Froze began!
Yosafire Ah, it was at the beach when I was young...
DJ Met Now, let's see the next question!!!
Yosafire Ahhhhh! What?!?

DJ Met This'll be the last one! From Scrotum Bugs! What's everyone doing now? Well, what ARE they doing? Did they all die?
Yosafire No they didn't!!! We're pretty much living normal days again! ♪
DJ Met Ah, I'd love to rain five billion cockroaches on that world...
Yosafire What's even with you?!
DJ Met I am become one who adores beating people to death.
Yosafire B... Beat to death...? Who do you want to kill?
DJ Met Aaanybody! ♪
Yosafire Aghhhhhhhhhh!!! This person's crazyyyyy!!!
DJ Met Maybe I'll beat you to death! Yes! That's good! I'll do that!
Yosafire ?! Wait, what?!?!

DJ Met Oh! Looks like we're out of time!
Yosafire Why are YOU bleeding after you punched me?!
DJ Met This is sweat.
Yosafire Ahhhh, this person's crazy!! Fuh-roooooze...!

DJ Met Well, Yosafire! A final word to the players, if you please!
Yosafire I don't like violence!!
DJ Met That's it for Bloody Radio! This has been DJ Met and Yosafire! See you next week! ♪
Yosafire Next week?
DJ Met Maybe not!! Bye-byeee!
Yosafire Baaah-byeee!!!

Speaker Dialogue
Etihw You okay?
Kcalb No big deal.
Etihw Good thing you heal quick, seriously...
Kcalb That idiot did inflict a lot of pain, yes.
Etihw If he comes again, I'll beat him to a pulp.
Kcalb I don't think that's a line you should be saying...
Etihw Why not?
Kcalb Why... not, hm...

Etihw But it sure is sad... Seeing you walking around with a cane.

Kcalb ...Why?
Etihw 'Cause you're really an old guy now.
Kcalb I've still got some youth in me!
Ater Ehh? Lord Kcalb is an old guy already?
Arbus Oh my... Perhaps from now on, he shouldn't be called Lord Kcalb or Sir Devil...
Arbus But instead, His Elderliness?
Ater His Elderliness...
Kcalb I tell you I'm still young!
Ater Take heart! Ater will serve you for all her life, no matter how decrepit you should become...
Arbus Me too! ♪
Kcalb ...Be serious, you two!

Kcalb Gahack... cough!!
Etihw Hey, don't push yourself.
Kcalb Be quiet.
Etihw ...............
Kcalb W-What?
Etihw Not that it's anything new, but... You never look people in the eyes when you talk.
Kcalb ...Hmm?
Etihw See, you're looking away.
Kcalb I'm free to look where I want.
Ater His Elderliness, make eye contact with people when you're talking to them, okay?
Kcalb Enough of the old stuff!

Etihw She's right. C'mon, look me in the eye.
Kcalb Yikes! S-Stop...

Etihw Ah... sorry.
Kcalb O-Ooh, my back...
Arbus That's no good, your divinity! You have to be grateful to your elders!
Etihw Guess so.
Kcalb ...You'll pay for this someday...

Speaker Dialogue
Yosafire The sea's so biiig! And full of shijimiii! ♪
Froze ..........
Yosafire Froze, let's go swim!
Froze No.
Yosafire .....Why?
Froze General hassle...
Yosafire S-S-S-S-S-Say whaaaaat?!

Macarona Rawberry... Please don't destroy my sandcastle, okay?
Rawberry I wanna!
Macarona Don't!!!

Yosafire Man, I was so ready, tho!
Froze Ah?
Yosafire Heh heh heh... Hooryah!!
Yosafire Tadaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Swimsuit!
Froze ..........
Yosafire ..........
Froze ..........
Yosafire Eh?
Froze Eh?
Yosafire Froze... Nothing to say?
Froze Ah? Ah, um... There's a seagull over there...
Yosafire I DIDN'T MEAN THAAAAAT!!! Swimsuit! The swimsuit! Swimsuit?! 'Yosaf... you look so cute...' Something like that?!
Froze Eh...? Ah... sure.
Yosafire ?! G-Geez...!! Well fine!! I'm swimming by myself!!! Froze, you mugwort dumpling!
Froze Mugwort dumpling...?
Yosafire ..........
Froze ..........
Yosafire ..........
Froze ..........
Yosafire Hey, Froze.
Froze What?
Yosafire By the way, uh... I can't swim.
Froze What?
Yosafire GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! HEEEELP MEEE! HEEEELP MEEEEEE!! Gonna drown! Gonna... glurk! Glurburburburburburb?!
Froze IDIOT!!!
Macarona AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?! Rawberry?! I told you not to destroy it!!!
Rawberry Ka-booooom! ♪ Ker-smaaaaaaaaaash! ♪
Macarona Ahhhhh?!?

Speaker Dialogue
Wodahs ..........
Wodahs (.....Still hurts a bit.)
Alela Grora Ahh, head angel. There you are.
Wodahs ...Hm?
Alela Grora You okay to be moving around so much already?
Wodahs Well, yes. I've mostly healed.
Alela Grora Hmm.
Wodahs And you?
Alela Grora Yeah, sure.
Wodahs ..........
Alela Grora ..........
Wodahs ..........
Alela Grora ..........
Wodahs Do you need something?
Alela Grora Not really.
Wodahs ..........
Wodahs (...?)
Alela Grora Hey, head angel, I've been meaning to say...
Wodahs What?
Alela Grora ..........
Wodahs ..........
Alela Grora Ditch the eyepatch.
Wodahs ...............
Alela Grora ...............
Wodahs Why?
Alela Grora Why...? 'Cause you look too much like me!
Wodahs I don't quite understand what you're saying.

Alela Grora You and me! Eyepatch, clothes, hair color... Waaay too similar! People are gonna mistake us for brother and sister!
Wodahs Ah...
Alela Grora No, not ahh! Off!
Wodahs Why don't you take yours off?
Alela Grora Don't wanna!
Wodahs Then get your eye fixed.
Alela Grora I shall not accept any left eye but my once-own!
Wodahs ..........Really, now, just forgive Ater.
Alela Grora NOOO.
Wodahs Such a grudge...
Alela Grora You get yours fixed!
Wodahs I've told you... I can't heal this wounded eye... So the two of them can never forget.
Alela Grora ...Hey, now, I would think that's all good now...
Wodahs Besides...
Alela Grora ?
Wodahs I enjoy it.
Alela Grora Enjoy what?

Wodahs When my brother sees my wound... The apologetic face he makes... I enjoy.
Alela Grora ...............
Wodahs ...............
Alela Grora You smiling... kinda freaks me out.
Wodahs ...............

Alela Grora So, then... You're holding a grudge too?
Wodahs Well, it did hurt.
Alela Grora ...............
Wodahs ...No, it's not really a grudge.
Alela Grora ...............
Wodahs Really.
Alela Grora ...............
Wodahs Well... Maybe a little...
Alela Grora See?!

Speaker Dialogue
Reficul ...Well, I suppose I should be going soon.
??? Ms. Reciful!

Lowrie Aha, so it was you.
Reficul Ah, Lowrie. It's been some time.
Lowrie Should have told me you were here!
Reficul Mm, things were busy, and you seemed to be having fun yourself.
Lowrie But... You really helped a lot, Ms. Reciful... Thanks so much.
Reficul Not a problem. You were on business here... And I just couldn't tolerate that airhead.
Lowrie It really is a wonderful place... So I'm definitely glad the worst could be avoided...
Reficul .........................
Lowrie ? What's up?
Reficul ...Oh, nothing much. But that expression looks quite off-putting on you.
Lowrie ..........
Reficul No one is around, so... As usual, if you please.
Lowrie ....... Yeah, the kids here are all good children, so...

Lowrie My usual self... would probably scare them too much.
Reficul A bird you may be, but you're no birdbrain when it comes to feigning innocence.
Lowrie Really? Mwaha. Yeah, it's a good thing this world doesn't have much meat-eaters... Chicken meat is foul.
Reficul I could go for roast fowl...
Lowrie Hah... Gimme a break.
Reficul Ah, yes. That's precisely the kind of coarseness that suits you, Lowrie.
Lowrie Thank you very much.
Reficul So, do you plan to stay here a while longer?
Lowrie Yeah... Still got a lot to teach the kiddies... Really are good kids, y'know? Plus... Lots of understanding angels over here... Nothing like mine.
Reficul True, true... If my world's angels were put with these ones, I would feel sorry for these.
Lowrie Oho... Is that right... mwaha.

Reficul Well, I'd better be going back there.
Lowrie I see... Hey, is everybody okay?
Reficul Yes... outrageously so. Including the one who hates your guts.
Lowrie Ah... That's good, that's good. ...Tell 'em I've got a good beating for them when I come back.
Reficul Understood. Well, see you soon.
Lowrie Good work.
Reficul ...Ah, yes.

Reficul ..........Your friend is coming up from behind.

Lowrie ?

Lowrie ...............Ah.
Greif ...............
Lowrie M... Ms. Greif...!" (S-S-S-S-S-S... Shoot! Did she she?!)
Greif So here you are, Lowrie. I was looking.
Lowrie .....Eh?
Greif I need you to help with some work.
Lowrie Ah... Ha, haha, got it. (...She didn't overhear??)

Greif ..........
Lowrie ??
Greif So that's how you are, hm.
Lowrie ?!?!?!?!

Speaker Dialogue
Macarona That was delicious!
Raspbel Heehee! Thanks for saying so, Macarona! ♪
Macarona Yes! You're such a good cook, Raspbel... It was very tasty!
Rawberry Right? ♪
Macarona Not at all like the bug jam Rawberry makes!
Rawberry So meeean! Bugsies are friends...
Macarona You turn your friends into jam?!
Rawberry ..........

Raspbel Now, you two... Good girls should be in bed by this time.

Rawberry Yaay! ♪ I'm good, so I gotta sleep! ♪
Macarona (If Rawberry's a good girl, I must be a GOD girl...)
Rawberry I'm sharing a bed with Macarona! ♪
Macarona Ehhh?! Sharing a bed...?!
Rawberry Cause it's just big sis and Rawberry here, so there's only two beds!
Macarona Ah...
Rawberry Plus, isn't it a strict sleepover rule that you gotta sleep in bed together?
Macarona I-Is it really...?
Rawberry Yesss! ♪
Macarona W... Well, if you say so..." *mumble*
Raspbel Hey, Rawberry... Don't tease Macarona, all right?
Rawberry Mw-hee! ♪ Good night, big sis! ♪
Macarona Good night...
Raspbel Right, good night! ♪
Raspbel Right, good night! ♪

Raspbel ....................
Raspbel .....Now then...
Raspbel (There's... something which I'm keeping secret. A secret I've said to no one... Not even my sister. That is...)
Raspbel (..........)
Raspbel (.....My sister Rawberry often eats bugs and the like, yes? To be honest, I... like to eat bugs, too.)
Raspbel (But you see..... There's something else.....)
Raspbel (Yes..... Something I like... much... much more.....)

Macarona YAAAAAH! R-Rawberry... What are you...?!
Rawberry Macarona, you look tasty... ♪
Macarona Eh-eh-eh?!
Rawberry Tastyyy... ♪
Macarona Uhhhhh?!
Rawberry Tasty! ♪ Tasty! ♪ Can I take a lick?

Macarona N-No, Rawberry... We're... not... um...
Rawberry Ah... But I have to... Can I at least have a nibble?
Macarona Eh?

Rawberry .....Pwah! Knew it! ♪ Macarona's tasty! ♪

Macarona ..........
Rawberry Macarona?
Macarona ..........
Rawberry ...Uh-oh... Nibbled too much.

Rawberry Big siiis! It's bad! I nibbled Macarona too much...
Rawberry ..........
Raspbel ..........
Rawberry ..........Eh?
Raspbel ..........
Rawberry B-Big sis, that...
Raspbel D ON 'T LOO K

Raspbel ..........
Raspbel ..........
Raspbel ..........?! O... Oh my, Rawberry?! I'm sorry... I just... Are you okay?! Sorry...
Raspbel But it's your fault, you know?

Raspbel Good girls should be in bed by now...

Speaker Dialogue
Etihw Ahh, hot pots are always nice.
Kcalb .......... *munch*
Etihw I love hot pots, I do. They're the best.
Kcalb .......... *munch*
Etihw Hot pots are perfect for those cold winters.
Kcalb .......... *munch*
Etihw ..........
Kcalb .......... *munch*
Etihw Well, but I still like you better than hot pots.
Kcalb ?!?! Gohf!! A-hack, cough, cough!!
Etihw Hahahaha...
Kcalb ..........

Etihw Hey, but... You've only been eating the dumplings... Eat some veggies!
Kcalb Mm..... I-It's fine.
Etihw You'll die.
Kcalb How will I die?!
Etihw Bad for your health.
Kcalb ...So is being sealed underground for eons, but look who's talking.
Etihw Hoo boy, you're really gonna bring that up now? Over a hot pot?
Kcalb It was DARK, and COLD...
Etihw I said sorry. And same to you! How many of my underlings did you kill?
Kcalb Who knows.
Etihw ..........
Kcalb ..........And how many of mine did you kill?
Etihw Eh...? I wasn't counting.
Kcalb ..........
Etihw But still! ...You have more lives on your hands, anyway...
Kcalb ..........
Etihw ..........

Etihw Right, let's change the subject.
Kcalb Yes. That.
Etihw Dangerous territory...
Kcalb ..........
Etihw If Wodahs heard, he'd definitely be mad about that conversation.
Kcalb ..........
Etihw ..........
Kcalb ..........
Etihw Why are you being so quiet?
Kcalb Eh?
Etihw It's boring carrying a conversation all by yourself.
Kcalb What are you, a child?
Etihw I'm older than you.
Kcalb ..........

Etihw Ah, mochi kinchaku... One last bite!
Kcalb Wait.
Etihw What?
Kcalb Leave that for me.
Etihw Eh? First come first serve.
Kcalb What?
Etihw ..........
Kcalb ..........
Kcalb You... have got some real nerve.
Etihw Want me to seal you again? Until the end of the world this time, how about??
Kcalb Perfect.
Etihw Oh? Well then......

Etihw Wah!
Kcalb Oww!
Wodahs Hey.
Etihw & Kcalb We're sorry.

Speaker Dialogue
Kcalb ..........
Kcalb ..........
Kcalb .....Hmph, even now... So selfish...
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire Oh! Old maaan!
Kcalb What're you doing up so late?
Yosafire Me? Well, I came to see the full moon! It's a really good view here!
Kcalb And do you often come here?
Yosafire Yeah!
Kcalb .....Funny, so do I.
Yosafire Huhh, no way! I've never seen you here before!
Kcalb Well, of course... I usually come in the dead of night.
Yosafire Hey, good kids gotta get to bed early, old man!
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire Well, anyway! Let's talk!
Kcalb I rather wanted to be alone...
Yosafire Don't be so standoffish!
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire If there's any worries on your mind, just tell me!
Kcalb Worries? Nothing of the sort.
Yosafire Liaaar! You've always got that melancholy look...
Kcalb .........................Well, strictly speaking...
Yosafire Ohh?
Kcalb Eithw's treatment of me...
Yosafire Ah, that kind of talk between lovers is fine.
Kcalb Lovers?!?
Yosafire You're SO lovers!!!
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire ..........
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire ..........
Yosafire ..........Hey, do you like the moon, old man?
Kcalb ?
Yosafire Nah, it's just like... You've always got those sorta peeved eyes... But when they're looking at the moon, I feel like they're a little gentler.
Kcalb You could have left part of that out, fool...
Kcalb ..........
Kcalb Well... I suppose... I don't... hate the moon. The sun is too bright for me... The moon is different.
Yosafire ..........
Kcalb Plus, it's filled with memories.
Yosafire Heh? Like what?
Kcalb ....From the distant past.
Yosafire Hmm...

Kcalb Did you know you can often see shooting stars here?
Yosafire I knew, I knew! Froze told me! But I've never seen one! I keep trying to, but I always end up falling asleep...
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire I wanna make a wish! Wiiish!
Kcalb ..........For what?
Yosafire World domination!!!!
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire Right, kidding. Umm, it's actually a little more...
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire No, no, yeah, it's a secret!
Kcalb .....I see.
Yosafire And you?
Kcalb What?
Yosafire Your wish! Got one?
Kcalb ...............My wish... I was just thinking about that, actually.
Yosafire ? Well, what is it?
Kcalb ..........There are... some people I'd like to meet again.
Yosafire ..........
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire But you can't?
Kcalb .............The first would be difficult to meet now. As would the second. The third... I've never met face to face.
Yosafire ...Why not?
Kcalb I'm simply... not worthy of meeting them.
Yosafire .............I see...
Kcalb ..........
Yosafire But you still wanna, right? I hope you do someday!
Kcalb .............Yes, that's right.
Kcalb (..........I don't know anything of fate... So perhaps someday...)

Speaker Dialogue
Emalf Sigh... Hmm... Long-distance crushes are effin' rough... Wonder if she's doin' okay? Sigh... And she was so cute... Really wanted her as a girlfriend...
Emalf ....................

Poemi Hopeless guy...
Emalf Waugh?! P-Poemi... When'd you?! J-Just talkin' to myself! Leave me alone!
Poemi A girl's heart has a 'weak point,' see?
Emalf H-Huh...?
Poemi If you don't attack that, she won't even turn around. ...But mess up and it breaks!
Emalf Yeah, I broke it...
Poemi Shtoopid.
Emalf Gurk...
Poemi But if you know how to focus on that point, you're good.

Emalf ...Where'd you learn all that?
Poemi A book! An aweshum book!

Emalf What trashy stuff are you reading now...?
Poemi Nooot trashy! You're trashy, trash!
Emalf Gurk...

Poemi By the wayyy...
Emalf Yeah?
Poemi Rieta, see...
Emalf Yeah?
Poemi Her weak point is... *mumble*... or something... That's what she told me.
Emalf ...Yeah?!" (What's she telling this kid...?!)
Poemi Oh, and Lord Ivlis's weak point is scarves.
Emalf ?!?!

Speaker Dialogue
Ivlis Dammit... Dammit...!! I'll never let him get away with this...

Emalf .......... (Scarves..........)
Ivlis So, what do you want?
Emalf Eh?! Ah... yes... A letter arrived, Mr. Ivlis.
Ivlis Letter? From who?
Emalf There's no sender...
Ivlis ..........Hand it over.

Ivlis ..........

Emalf (Does Mr. Ivlis have a friend who sends letters...?)
Poemi (Emalf, why do you look so fidgety?)

Ivlis ..........
Ivlis ....................I see. That wretch... Hmm... I don't know who it is, but... Well, whatever.
Emalf Eh?
Ivlis Hey, I'll be heading out for a while.
Emalf Eh?! Where now...? Not back there again, I hope...
Ivlis No, no. But... I've got to answer back to what's been done to me...
Emalf (It's revenge!!)
Ivlis Mwahaha... This is getting interesting. Ha ha ha ha...
Emalf (..........Never learns, huh...)
Emalf (..........Scarves..........)

Speaker Dialogue
N/A How long has it been?
N/A When exactly is 'now'?
N/A What's happening to the world?
N/A ..................
N/A ..........I can't know.
N/A I see nothing... I hear nothing. My arms and legs... accomplish nothing.
N/A I can't do anything...
N/A ..................
N/A Why do I think this happened to me?
N/A .....Because you sealed me here.
N/A In this cold darkness...
N/A So long ago...
N/A ..................
N/A You sealed me here... Hoping to put an end to everything...
N/A But that was a serious mistake.
N/A .....I... hear... a... voice.
N/A Now, let me have my revenge.
N/A Everything you've created... every little thing... I will destroy.
N/A It won't be long.
Kcalb "Hey... Etihw."

N/A How long will this life go on? How long will this pain go on? How long will this world go on?
N/A They're always so positive. But I can't do that. I can't be happy.
N/A I just wanted it to end. This life, this pain, this world, everything. Everything. Everything.

N/A Just who is that person? They've started to appear in my dreams.

N/A Those eyes, dark as night, drawing me in, no visible bottom. Just their watching makes me fear.
N/A You're...

N/A I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm fooling them...
N/A ...I'm so sorry.

N/A There's no going back anymore...
N/A I'm a traitor. I'm sure they'd be so sad to know it...
N/A And I'm a fool. But now, this is all I can do.

N/A If I were strong like you... If I could be positive like you... If I could always remember the light.
N/A Perhaps this wouldn't have happened...
N/A Has this world changed now? Has he looked at me? Has my pain gone away?
N/A ...Ahh... I'm sure... ....none of that has come to pass.
N/A There's no way... to change my cursed fate.

N/A ... ...I'm sorry. I can't be strong like you.
N/A ...I'm sorry.

N/A ...Goodbye.

Note: The official English translation of the Notebook scene in The Gray Garden contains various mistranslations. For more information, refer to Okegom Wiki's statement on the matter.
Speaker Dialogue
N/A Those eyes
N/A told me everything.
N/A It was... just like light, yet only a sham.
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ..........A dream?
Kcalb ....................
??? Hahaha. So you haven't changed.
Kcalb ....................
??? Glad to see you're well.
Kcalb ....................
??? Maybe different from who you were then. But nope, you're still you.
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ...Am I... dreaming... again?
??? Oh yes, yes you are. Dreams are very... interesting things.
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb Sorry, but I...
??? Whoa! Hold on, there.
??? I didn't come here to hear you tell me that.
Kcalb ....................
??? Yes... It was startling, no doubt.
??? But, ever since that day... My once-lonely life has changed so much.
Kcalb ....................
??? I've come to live a very happy life, now.
Kcalb ....................
??? ... You really are the silent type.
Kcalb ..........Sorry.
??? Hey! Don't be apologizing, okay?
Kcalb ....................
??? But you know... They sure do resemble you.
Kcalb ....................
??? Got some of your features... Haha.
Kcalb ..........Are you talking to me?
??? Well, who else! I mean, I'm your...
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................Name?
??? Hm?
Kcalb Won't you tell me your name?
??? Ah, that's right, that's right. I haven't told you, have I.
??? I guess because I haven't gotten to meet you since that day...
Kcalb ....................
??? I wasn't sure what I wanted to be called, at first.
??? After some thinking, I decided I'd choose a name you'd understand...
Kcalb ....................
??? ...So then, I had him call me this.

N/A Crow.

Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ..........Crow...?
??? Yeah, that's it. 'Cause you looked like a crow.
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................I see.
??? Come to think of it, I don't know your name.
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb ....................
Kcalb My name is.....



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Intermission 10[]
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Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Pak Tua Hitam[]
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Yosafire Di Pantai[]
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Penutup Mata Bersodara[]
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Kawan Dari Luar[]
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Rahasia Raspbel[]
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Pesta Nabe[]
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Malam Bulan Purnama[]
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Cinta Emalf[]
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Ambisi Ivlis[]
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Japanese (Original)[]


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Intermission 9[]
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Intermission 10[]
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Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Intermission 5[]
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Intermission 6[]
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Intermission 7[]
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Intermission 8[]
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Intermission 9[]
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Intermission 10[]
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Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Vecchio in Nero[]
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Yosafire alla Spiaggia[]
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Fratelli di Benda[]
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Compagni Estranei[]
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Il Segreto di Raspbel[]
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Stufato Party[]
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Notte di Luna Piena[]
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L'Amore di Emalf[]
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L'ambizione di Ivlis[]
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Intermission 3[]
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Intermission 4[]
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Intermission 6[]
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Intermission 8[]
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Intermission 9[]
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Intermission 10[]
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Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Cara Velho Preto[]
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Yosafire na Praia[]
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Irmãos Tapa-Olho[]
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Forasteiros Camaradas[]
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Segredo da Raspbel[]
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Festa do Hot Pot[]
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Noite de Luar[]
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A Paixão de Emalf[]
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A Ambição de Ivlis[]
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Intermission 1[]
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Intermission 2[]
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Intermission 3[]
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Intermission 4[]
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Intermission 5[]
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Intermission 6[]
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Intermission 7[]
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Intermission 8[]
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Intermission 9[]
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Intermission 10[]
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Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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El Viejo Negro[]
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Yosafire en la Playa[]
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Hermanos Parche[]
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Extraños Compañeros[]
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El Secreto de Raspbel[]
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Fiesta de Estofado[]
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Noche de Luna[]
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El Amor de Emalf[]
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La Ambición de Ivlis[]
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Speaker Dialogue


The Gray Garden
                                     The Gray Garden                                     
Media Original Game · Remake Game
Gameplay CG Gallery · Endings · Enemies · Items · Transcript
Major Chelan · Dialo · Etihw · Froze · Ivlis · Kcalb · Macarona · Rawberry Preserves · Reficul · Yosafire
Minor Alela Grora · Arbus · Ater · Emalf · Greif · Lowrie · Mogeko · Monster in the Darkness · Poemi · Pooch · Raspbel Preserves · Rieta · Unnamed character · Wodahs
Cameo Ciel · Cranber · Lost · Rigatona · Sherbet · Satanick · Yosaflame
Bonus Crow · Unnamed character · Met · Wadanohara
Locations Bloody Radio · Flame Underworld · Gray Garden
Games Garden Gray The · Mogeko Castle · The Gray Garden · Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Manga Obsolete Dream
Animations Ice Scream · Poison Bugs · The Sun's Curse
Various Bloody Radio