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This is the transcript page for Mogeko Castle.


Chinese (Traditional)[]


I樓 「歡迎來到MogekoCastle!」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
II樓 「麵包派?米飯派?生火腿派」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
III楼 「参上!异端Mogeko」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
IV 楼 「Moge子的独裁社会」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
V 楼 「异形Mogeko以人为食」[]
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VI 楼 「恶梦未終」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
VII 楼 「出口,入口」[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Speaker Dialogue



Floor I "Welcome to Mogeko Castle!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Floor II "Bread? Rice? Prosciutto!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Floor III "Here comes Defect Mogeko!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Floor IV "The Dictatorship of Moge-ko"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Floor V "The Very Hungry Grotesque Mogeko"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Floor VI "The Nightmare Never Ended"[]
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Floor VII "Exit, Entrance"[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
Speaker Dialogue
DJ Met Heey, hi there! Morning! Good day! Good evening!
Met Time for Underworld Broadcasting Bloody Radio with your ghost host, DJ Met! ♪
DJ Met Today's guest is - tadah! The bro-cestuous high school girl, Yonaka Kurai!
DJ Met Wooooo! *clap clap clap*
Yonaka Kurai Ehehe... Hello... (Bro-cestuous...?)
DJ Met Alright! So how was it, Yonaka?! Thoughts on Mogeko Castle!
Yonaka Kurai To be honest, I never want to appear in another one of these again.
DJ Met Oh, but don't worry! Gaiden's gonna be even crueler and take even more from ya!!
Yonaka Kurai ?!
DJ Met That aside! I actually made a li'l cameo in this game!
DJ Met Didja notice me?!
DJ Met Plus some other guys, but hey, y'know... ★
Yonaka Kurai No, hold on... Gaiden? What... I didn't... hear about... eh...??
DJ Met Alright! Moving into the rapid-fire Q&A part of the program!
DJ Met Our first question isss! From M-san of K Prefecture!
DJ Met Hmm... "Please tell us Yonaka's favorite type of man"... Whew!
DJ Met Yonaka! Whaddya say to that?
Yonaka Kurai Brother.
DJ Met Yikes! So much bro-cest!! Guh-rooooosssss!!!
Yonaka Kurai Aren't you being a bit cruel?!
DJ Met Not so much if it's true, eh? ★
Yonaka Kurai Um, well, look!
DJ Met Right, moving on! Frow Lewdie!

DJ Met Uhh... "Please tell us Yonaka's first romance"... Oh-HOH!!
Yonaka Kurai Brother.
DJ Met Seriously that's incest! You big dummy!
Yonaka Kurai Y-You have the wrong idea! It's pure love!
DJ Met And ain't love all about motive?!
Yonaka Kurai Wrong again!!
DJ Met Ahahahahahaha! Right, "pure incest" it is! Ya brainless idiot!
Yonaka Kurai Weaaaaahhh!!
DJ Met Right, from I Love Panties!
DJ Met "Please tell us Yonaka's favorite person"...
Yonaka Kurai B
DJ Met We know it's yer stinkin' brother!!!
Yonaka Kurai Is that wrong?! Hmph!
DJ Met Who said that? Nyahahaha! ★
DJ Met Right, how about we look at different sorts of questions?!
DJ Met Maybe give you a ghost of a chance! Nyahaha! ★
Yonaka Kurai ...
DJ Met Ahem, from Hashasky!
DJ Met "Why was Yonaka chosen as the protagonist of this game?"...
DJ Met ...
Yonaka Kurai ...
DJ Met Uh? Who cares!!!
Yonaka Kurai Huh?! What the?!?!
DJ Met Don't go askin' me that stuff! I couldn't care less!!!
Yonaka Kurai That's cruel! You're so cruel!!!
DJ Met Shaddup, ya hopeless bromantic!!!
Yonaka Kurai You should apologize to brother-lovers all over Japan!!
DJ Met Oh, so you acknowledge it!
Yonaka Kurai WEAAAAAHHHH!!
DJ Met ...Oh yeah! I've gone to mess around at Mogeko Castle from time to time...
DJ Met And since I'm not weak like you, I can murder those Mogekos so easy! ★
Yonaka Kurai Well, I'm only human! What do you expect of me?!?
DJ Met Probably nothin', dummy!!
Yonaka Kurai Y-You're MEEEEEAN!
DJ Met But so hey, Yonaka...
Yonaka Kurai Yes?
DJ Met Why DO you like your bro so much?
Yonaka Kurai E-Eh?! W-Why...? Oh gosh... ♥
DJ Met "Oh gosh... ♥" ain't gonna cut it! You big nincompooooop!!!
Yonaka Kurai GYAAAAAAHH!!!
DJ Met Eh? What? What??
Yonaka Kurai You're bleeding a lot!!!
DJ Met Ohh, this! Happens sometimes. It's basically sweat I guess???
Yonaka Kurai Waaah! You're all so weird!!
DJ Met Says the bromancer!!
Yonaka Kurai It's perfectly normal!
DJ Met 'Sides, you've seen tonsa blood! Ain't you used to it now? ♪
Yonaka Kurai W-Well... It kind of numbed me to it...
DJ Met Then get a load of this!!!

Yonaka Kurai H-Hey, what're you doing?! Stop!
DJ Met Blech, that's some dirty blood! ♪
Yonaka Kurai *Pant , pant*... G-geez! You're reminding me of Moge-ko!
DJ Met Ohh, that nutcase!
Yonaka Kurai She was really frightening...
DJ Met Yeah, I've been attacked in one of her frenzies too!
Yonaka Kurai Ehh? What happened?
DJ Met I ran!!!!
Yonaka Kurai I figured!!
DJ Met ...Ahem! Back to questions now! From Flutterby!
DJ Met "Why does Yonaka cover one eye?"...
Yonaka Kurai ...
DJ Met Well, why???
Yonaka Kurai ...
Yonaka Kurai To look... to look like... brother.
DJ Met Guuuuugh! This is beyond gross, this is physically sickening!!
Yonaka Kurai You're so rude! Hmph!
DJ Met How much can ya love the guy?! Gross! GROSS!!
Yonaka Kurai I-I can't help liking him a lot, okay!
DJ Met But ain't covering one eye dangerous when you ride a bike?
Yonaka Kurai I don't ride a bike...
DJ Met Well don't worry! I do, so you can ride in back!
Yonaka Kurai Oh, how promising...
DJ Met ...Yeesh, prattlin' about stupid stuff, we're almost out of time!
Yonaka Kurai (That's your fault...)
DJ Met Yonaka! A final word to the players, if you please!
Yonaka Kurai Ehh?! Er...
Yonaka Kurai Everyone, thank you very much for playing Mogeko Castle! ♪
DJ Met ...
Yonaka Kurai ...
DJ Met ...
Yonaka Kurai ...
DJ Met Wait is that it?
Yonaka Kurai The game was too horrible for me to say anything more.
DJ Met Right you are!! Nyahahahahaha!!
DJ Met Okay! That's it for Bloody Radio! This has been DJ Met and Yonaka Kurai! ♪
DJ Met See you next week! ♪
Yonaka Kurai What's next week?
DJ Met Who knows!!!
DJ Met Bye-byeee! ♪
Yonaka Kurai ... Bye-byeee.



Lantai I "Selamat Datang di Kastil Mogeko!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Lantai II "Roti? Nasi? Prosciutto!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Lantai III "Mogeko Cacat Datang!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Lantai IV "Kediktatoran Moge-ko"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Lantai V "Mogeko Mengerikan yang Kelaparan"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Lantai VI "Mimpi Buruk yang Takkan Berakhir"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Lantai VII "Pintu Keluar, Pintu Masuk"[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Japanese (Original)[]


I 階 「MogekoCastleへようこそ!」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
II 階 「パン派?ご飯派? 生ハム派」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
III 階 「参上! 異端モゲコ」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
IV 階 「もげ子的独裁社会」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
V 階 「異形のモゲコは人を喰う」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
VI 階 「悪夢は終わらなかった」[]
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Speaker Dialogue
VII 階 「出口、入り口」[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Speaker Dialogue



Andar I "Bem vindo ao Castelo Mogeko!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Andar II "Pão? Arroz? Prosciutto!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Andar III "E lá vem o Mogeko Defeituoso"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Andar IV "A Ditadura de Moge-ko"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Andar V "O Mogeko Grotesco Voraz"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Andar VI "O Pesadelo Nunca Acabou"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Andar VII "Salda, Entrada"[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Speaker Dialogue



Piso I "¡Bienvenido al Castillo Mogeko!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Piso II "¿Pan? ¿Arroz? ¡Prosciutto!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Piso III "¡Aquí Viene el Mogeko Defectuoso!"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Piso IV "La Dictadura de Moge-ko"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Piso V "El Gran Grotesco y Hambriento Mogeko"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Piso VI "La Pesadilla Nunca Acabó"[]
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Speaker Dialogue
Piso VII "Salida, Entrada"[]
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Speaker Dialogue

Bonus Room[]

Bloody Radio Interview[]
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Speaker Dialogue


Mogeko Castle
                                     Mogeko Castle                                     
Media Original Game · Remake Game · CG Gallery · Endings · Items · Transcript
Major Defect Mogeko · King mogeko · Moge-ko · Mogeko · Shinya Kurai · Yonaka Kurai
Minor Blood Spirit · Hashasky · Hasu · Moffuru · Mogecuckoo · Mogekov Hashasky · Mogeko Monster · Nega-Mogeko · Prosciutto Fairy · Somewhat Strange Mogeko
Cameo Etihw · Froze · Hanten · Idate · Imika Yuhjima · Kcalb · Kurotsuno · Macarona · Mafuyu · Met · Moge-kov · Nataka Kurokawa · Peraco · Rawberry Preserves · Rock · Rocma · Shirogane · Sullivan · Sunosan · Torisan · Wadanohara · Yosafire · Yukisada
Bonus Pancetta
Locations Bloody Radio · Human World · Mogeko Castle · Mogeko Realm
Objects Mysterious Train
Games Garden Gray The · Mogeko Castle · The Gray Garden · Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Manga Obsolete Dream
Animations Ice Scream · Poison Bugs · The Sun's Curse
Various Bloody Radio