Okegom Wiki
This article is about Deep-Sea Prisoner's universe. You may be looking for another Deep-Sea Prisoner.
Wadanohara Notice
"Deep-Sea Universe" is an unofficial name.
It will be used on the wiki as a placeholder until an official name is revealed.
Samekichi Notice

Deep-Sea Universe is an unofficial name for the extended universe where Deep-Sea Prisoner's stories take place. The universe consists of infinite worlds. [Citation needed] Most worlds are ruled by a god and/or devil.

This page lists all known worlds and any significant locations in them. An overview of all locations can be found in the Locations category or on the world pages themselves.


  • Android, Robot, & Cyborgs
  • Angels - Angels are celestial beings who often live in worlds governed by gods.
  • Animals - Animals are beings who have both a humanoid and animal form. They live in various worlds.
  • Astral
  • Demons - Demons typically live in underworlds ruled by a devil.
    • Devils - Devils are powerful demons who rule over their own world.
  • Gods - Gods are powerful beings with the ability to create.
  • Hashasky - Hashasky are catlike-creatures who live in the Mogeko Kremlin.
  • Humans
  • Mogeko - Mogeko are catlike-creatures who live in Mogeko Castle.
  • Spirit & Fairy - Spirits and fairies are mythical creatures.
  • Shinigami - Shinigami are deities of death.
  • Undead - Undead are deceased beings who still possess some form of consciousness.
  • Unknown
  • Vampires
  • Witches - Witches are sorcerers who perform magic.
  • Yōkai - Yōkai are a type of spirit.


  • Fiends - Fiends are angel/demon hybrids.
  • God/Demon (God/Devil) - Silhouette is currently the only known god/demon hybrid.
  • Vampire/Demon - Killisaki is currently the only known vampire/demon hybrid.
  • Deity/Demon (Deity/Devil) - Mors is currently the only known deity/demon hybrid.
  • Undead/Yōkai - Hazad is currently the only known undead/yōkai hybrid.
  • Shrimp/Lobster - Lobco is currently the only known shrimp/lobster hybrid.
  • Bear/Squirrel - Rimalis is currently the only known bear/squirrel hybrid.


Flame Underworld

Main article: Flame Underworld

The Flame Underworld is the world the devil Ivlis rules over. The world makes its main appearance in The Gray Garden. It was created after Ivlis fell from grace as shown in The Sun's Curse. It is inhabited by flame demons. Its overworld is the Land of Sun.

Flower World

Main article: Flower World

Flower World[Unofficial term] is the world ruled by the god Liliya and devil Rosaliya Phantomrose. The world has yet to appear in any artworks.

Gray Garden

Main article: Gray Garden

The Gray Garden is the world ruled by the god Etihw and devil Kcalb. It is the main setting of The Gray Garden. The world is a peaceful land where angels and demons live together in harmony.

Human Worlds

Main article: Human Worlds

There currently exists at least one human world in the Deep-Sea Universe. A human world is a world in which humans live, seemingly ungoverned by any god or devil. One human world is shown in Mogeko Castle. There used to be at least one other human world, but it was destroyed during the events that transpired in Seaside Dispatches 2.

Land of Sun

Main article: Land of Sun

The Land of Sun is the overworld ruled and created by the god Siralos. It is the main setting of The Sun's Curse. Currently, no specific locations in the world have been shown. Its underworld is the Flame Underworld.


Main article: Kumo-no-Kuni

Kumo-no-Kuni is the overworld ruled by the god Fumus. The world has yet to make a formal appearance in any media. It contains many clouds and rainbows. Chlomaki used to live in Kumo-no-Kuni.


Main article: Ne-no-Kuni

Ne-no-Kuni is the underworld ruled by the devil Satanick. It is also the world where majority of Deep-Sea Prisoner's works take place, such as Obsolete Dream. It appears to have a large variety of inhabitants such as demons, fiends, undead, and vampires.

Blue Sea

Main article: Blue Sea

The Blue Sea is the main setting of Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. It was created by the devil Satanick, ruler of Ne-no-Kuni. It was previously ruled by the Sea King before he chose Uomihime to be his successor. It contains the Sea Kingdom and the Sea of Death.

Bug Town

Bug Town[Unofficial term] is the setting of Poison Bugs. It is inhabited by various bugs and other insects.

Iceberg Isle

Main article: Iceberg Isle

Iceberg Isle is the setting of Ice Scream. It is located in a freezing ocean "not even demons will approach." [1] It is also located near the setting of Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. Various references to Castle Town exist throughout the remake of Ice Watching 1.

Pentagram World

Main article: Pentagram World

Pentagram World[Unofficial term] is the world ruled by the god Elux and the devil Reficul. The world has yet to make a formal appearance in any media. It contains an overworld and underworld.

Tapir World

Main article: Tapir World

Tapir World[Unofficial term] is the world More Ordovices rules over. The world has yet to make a formal appearance in any media.

Yōkai World

Yōkai World[Unofficial term] is the world Heller currently rules over. Her father Gokuen was the previous ruler of this world. The world has yet to make a formal appearance in any media.


Mogeko Realm

Mogeko Castle

Mogeko Castle was created by King Mogeko and is the home of the Mogeko. There are seven floors, each ruled by a Special Mogeko. It is also the main setting of Mogeko Castle.

Mogeko Kremlin

Mogeko Kremlin is the home of the Hashasky. It is set to be one of the settings of General Hashasky's Great Adventure.

Witch World

The Witch World is a location that appears in Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. It is currently unclear what type of location it is and whether it is a separate world.


  • With "the exceptions of humans and some other groups," everyone in Deep-Sea Prisoner's creations is bisexual (unless stated otherwise) and that ideas such as gender and age are left as an afterthought in her creative process. [2] Several of her characters are also "without gender, or somewhere in the middle, so it's pointless to even think about." [2]
  • Some characters have different nail colors based on the inherited traits of their parents. Characters that have colored fingernails have the same color toenails. [3]
  • Except for humans, male characters are also able to give birth. [3] Males in the Deep-Sea Universe are able to get pregnant/lay eggs regardless of gender. [4]
  • In the Deep-Sea Universe, gender is irrelevant when it comes to having children. [5]
  • The genderbend versions of characters can drastically change a story according to Deep-Sea Prisoner. [6]
  • Concerning familial and creation relations, Deep-Sea Prisoner stated, "Broadly speaking, Satanick would certainly be Meikai's father and Wadanohara's grandfather, and Siralos would be Ivlis' father. These differences are due to differences in the perceptions of the two parties. If they recognize each other as parent and child, they call each other so. Otherwise they do not behave as parent and child." [7]
  • The climate of certain areas always remains the same, such as the climate for Castle Town, Iceberg Isle, and the setting for Oji-summer. Other locations exist that experience all four seasons and different festivals. [8]
  • Characters who no longer appear in a main series can still appear as cameos. Even characters who have died may appear within someone's recollection. [9]
  • Many couples in the Deep-Sea Universe spend their nights flirting and being intimate. [5]
  • In the Deep-Sea Universe, there are some injuries that cannot be cured. [10]
  • There is a hole in both the pants and underwear for characters with tails like Samekichi. [11] A slit is also found in the back of shirts/jackets for those with tails. [12]
    • If a hat has holes, it can be worn by those with horns. [13]


                                     Deep-Sea Universe                                     
Continuity Alternative Universes (AUs) by Deep-Sea Prisoner · Funamushi Private Deep-Sea Academy (Highschool AU) · Genderbend (AU) · Neko (AU) · Timeline
Species Android/Robot/Cyborg · Angels · Animals · Astral · Big Five · Deity/Death · Demons/Devils · Fiends · Gods · Hashasky · Humans · Hybrids · Mogeko · Spirit/Fairy · Undead · Unknown · Vampires · Witches/Wizards‎ · Yōkai
Worlds Flame Underworld · Flower World · Gray Garden · Human Worlds · Kumo-no-Kuni · Land of Sun · Mogeko Realm · Ne-no-Kuni · Pentagram World · Tapir World · Yōkai World
Groups Big Five · Divine Beasts · Fumus' Subordinates · Lil's Subordinates · Satanick's Subordinates
Locations Bloody Radio · Blue Sea · Iceberg Isle · Kakuri-no-Miyako · Kurotsuno's Mansion · Mogeko Castle · Mogeko Kremlin · Sea Kingdom · Sea of Death · Sky Kingdom · Totsusa Kingdom · Witch World · Yomotsunanaesaka
Objects Cast Pearl · Mysterious Train · Orbs · Sacred Sword · Wadanohara's Boat · Wadanohara's Ocarina


  1. Ice Scream Ice Watching: Round 1 (Remake)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Untitled. Deep-Sea Prisoner. Translated by VGperson. Tumblr. Published 21 July, 2014. Retrieved 13 September, 2022. (Archive.)
  3. 3.0 3.1 "funamusea Stream [2022.12/30]【Art / Chatting】". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 30 December, 2022. (Summary archive.)
  4. "[Live2D Art] funamusea Work process Stream!! [2023/07/22]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 22 July, 2023. (Summary archive.)
  5. 5.0 5.1 "funamusea work stream!! [2023/08/30]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 30 August, 2023. (Summary archive.)
  6. "funamusea Stream [2023.01/28]【Art / Chatting】". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 28 January, 2023. (Summary archive.)
  7. "[Live2D Art] funamusea Work process Stream!! [2023/06/19]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 19 June, 2023. (Summary archive.)
  8. "[funaMakko colabo] Work process Stream👻🐱 [2023/08/06]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 6 August, 2023. (Summary archive.)
  9. "[Live2D Art] funamusea work stream!! [2023/08/25]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 25 August, 2023. (Summary archive.)
  10. "funamusea work stream!! [2024/08/03]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 03 August, 2024. (Summary archive.)
  11. "funamusea Stream [2021.01/23]【Art stream】". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 23 January, 2021. (Summary archive.)
  12. "funamusea Stream [2022.08/27]【Art / Chatting】". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 27 August, 2022. (Summary archive.)
  13. "funamusea work stream!! [2024/08/10]". Deep-Sea Prisoner. YouTube. Published 10 August, 2024. (Summary archive.)