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Cameo Characters are present in many of Deep-Sea Prisoner's works. They are small references to other works she has made. These cameo characters typically do not have any plot relevance in the work they cameo in.

Mogeko Castle[]

Mogeko Castle (Original)[]

Mogeko Castle (Remake)[]

  • Kurotsuno, Hanten, and Met, the main characters from the manga Obsolete Dream, make several appearances throughout the castle. Kurotsuno tries to look for her lost cellphone, while Hanten and Met try to look for Kurotsuno. Kurotsuno also appears as a life-sized statue in many rooms of the castle. Met later appears in the Bonus Room of Mogeko Castle where she has a Bloody Radio interview with Yonaka Kurai.

The Gray Garden[]

  1. Yosaflame: Row 3; Grave 6.
  2. Sherbet: Row 6; Grave 5.
  3. Rigatona: Row 10; Grave 2.
  4. Cranber: Row 11; Grave 9.
  5. Ciel: Row 8; Grave 10.
  6. Lost: Row 8; Grave 9.
  • Satanick appears as the author of the book "The Wharf Roach Testament" under the pen name S.T.N. in the library.

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea[]

  • Three letters about the surface can be found in Irena's house sent to her by her sister Reley Lo.
  • Multiple empty chests with a Mogeko inside them can be found throughout the game.
  • A cutscene with multiple witch silhouettes plays during the Great Witch's speech to Wadanohara. The witches that appear are, in order:

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea -Reboot-[]

  • Reley Lo can be found in a painting with Irena in Irena's bedroom.

Obsolete Dream[]

  • On page 6 of chapter 4, Torisan can be seen as one of the items Kurotsuno throws at her father Sullivan.
  • In chapter 8, Reina and Maekami mention the "Devil Lord," in reference to Satanick.
  • On page 9 of chapter 8, Pooch and a Mogeko make an appearance on the gamescreen.
  • On page 19 of chapter 8, Hanten's younger brother Chikemuri is mentioned and shown, though his face is obscured.

Ice Scream[]

  • Nekoyama appears in Ice Watching Round 2 after delivering a pack of cigarettes to Idate.

The Sun's Curse[]

  • Rieta's silhouette can be seen in the background of a scene in The Sun's Curse.

Seaside Dispatches 1[]

  • Emalf and Poemi make an appearance on a bonus page of Seaside Dispatches 1.
  • Lzet and Mors make an appearance on a bonus comic at the end of Seaside Dispatches 1.